Foundation of the ASNR Grant Program
We anticipate that four grants, in the amount of up to $120,000 each, will be funded in the coming year.
The Foundation of the ASNR Grant Program is presented annually to support members of the ASNR who demonstrate great promise for future contributions to the field of neuroradiology and whose proposed project best embodies the goals of the Foundation of the ASNR: “to promote research, education, and innovation in neuroradiology that will advance clinical practice and improve patient outcomes.”
A list of prior grant recipients may be found here. The required formatting guidelines indicated below (including word and/or page limits) will be strictly enforced; any application not conforming to the specified limits, at the discretion of the research committee, may be disqualified from consideration.

This grant cycle is currently closed. Check back soon for additional details.
Grant candidates must be North American members of ASNR in good standing with an MD, PhD, DO, or equivalent degree.
- MD or DO candidates must be board-certified or board-eligible in Radiology by either the American Board of Radiology (ABR) or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RSPSC). Physician candidates must have completed a residency in Diagnostic Radiology and completed at least 1-year of an ACGME-approved or equivalent fellowship in Neuroradiology or Pediatric Neuroradiology by the beginning of the award period.
- PhD candidates should have an active or imminent academic appointment, such as faculty, instructor, research staff, or post-doctoral student, within a Radiology department.
The applicant need not be a junior faculty member, but preference will be given to early-stage investigators or those who have not previously performed funded research in the area relevant to their grant application.
An applicant can only submit one single application per cycle.
Multiple PIs from the same institution may submit applications each grant cycle.
The research proposal must have a clearly stated, testable hypothesis and well-developed aims.
Mentor: The ASNR Senior Member who is the mentor should be an individual with expertise in areas related to the proposed project. This mentor will serve to guide the project and must be willing to take responsibility for its performance and completion. A letter of support from the mentor detailing the program and mentorship plan should be submitted with the application.
Research Methods: While the research committee seeks to support researchers using a variety of different research methods, projects may or may not be funded in each of the categories below every year.
- Artificial intelligence
- Clinical data analysis (retrospective or prospective)
- Comparative effectiveness
- Development, refinement, or application of novel imaging methods
- Technical translation/ translational research/ technical development
A. The total funding amount is up to $120,000 per grant (direct costs only), which will be paid in two equal installments on July 15th and January 15th of the year of the grant. Any portion of the grant not utilized should be returned to The Foundation of the ASNR. The proposed allocation of resources (salary support and other research costs) should be specified in a detailed line-item budget submitted with the full proposal.
B. The funding will go directly to the Institution or the department of Radiology as direct costs only. An itemized budget is required as part of the award proposal submission. Funds (up to $120,000) may be apportioned as required by the investigator but must be justified in the application. Examples of fund use might include: (i) salary support for the investigator and/or associated staff (e.g., research assistants, clinical coordinator, statistical support, and/or MD or PhD collaborators), (ii) appropriate scanner time access, (iii) processing software and other types of software, and combinations of the above, and (iv) costs related to attending conference, workshop courses or training courses (e.g., computer programming course, specialized image analysis course, or any other workshops). Only direct costs can be included. No overhead or indirect costs are provided.
Expenses for physical infrastructure to support the proposed research (for example, desktop or laptop computers, monitors, GPU cards, memory, or other physical devices) are considered indirect and supported by the host institution and should not be included in the budget.
C. Bi-yearly updates due on the 1st of January and the 1st of July within the year of the grant cycle must be submitted in writing to The Foundation of the ASNR. These are not to exceed one page. The progress report should summarize the specific aims and the progress achieved, explain any significant changes to the specific aims, new directions to be undertaken due to those changes, and expenditures to date. Any publications, patents, or other material related to the funded research should be included on a separate page and submitted separately. The final report should include the above with the additional summary of if a publication, patent, or grant is being or will be prepared using the results obtained from this Foundation grant. In the final report, a second page should be submitted separately describing the clinical impact of the results of the research, the strengths and weakness of the grant program, and the role that the Foundation or ASNR had, has, or might have in their future. In addition, a Return-on-Investment Survey will be emailed to recipient 3 and 5 years after receiving grant.
D. The recipient will present his/her research at the ASNR 64rd Annual Meeting & The Foundation of the ASNR Symposium in May 2026.
E. The American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) welcomes the best science and encourages publication submissions to AJNR before considering other journals.
F. Applicants who have held any of the Foundation of the ASNR Research Awards, the RSNA Research Scholar, Research Fellow, or Research Seed Grant Award, GERRAF, or ARRS Grant Award in the past must declare their previous awards on the application. The applicant is considered ineligible if they are or will concurrently be holding any of previously mentioned grants, while applying to or holding a grant from the Foundation of the ASNR.
G. Note: while institutional IRB approval is not required at the time of grant proposal submission, IRB approval or waiver must be submitted to ASNR before fund disbursement for all grant recipients.
H. No grant will be made without prior confirmation from the Program Director or Department Chair that the applicant’s proposal will be supported in full by the host institution.
I. This grant may be transferred to another institution, following approval by The Foundation of the ASNR for the designated individual, provided the new institution abides by the original agreement and the awardee can conduct the proposed work in the new setting. This request must be submitted in writing to The Foundation of the ASNR at least 30 days prior to the transfer. Each institution sponsoring the recipient will receive a portion of the funding that is in proportion to the length of time that research was performed at their institution. If a decision is made by The Foundation of the ASNR not to allow transfer of the grant to another institution, the original institution sponsoring the recipient will receive funds that are proportionate to the length of time the research project was performed at that institution.
J. Grants will be approved for one year. A No-Cost Extension of the terms of the grant may be requested to extend the research period up to 12 months beyond the original ending date. Approval of an extension does not include the awarding of additional funds. A request for an extension must be made in writing to the Chairs of the Foundation of the ASNR. The request must state the reason(s) for the extension, length of extension requested, and review the progress in the original grant period. Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the original ending date. Interim reports must be submitted every six months during the extension period. Please note that only one No-Cost Extension request will be considered per project.
K. The grant is not transferable to another individual.
- Grants will be designated and administered by The Foundation of the ASNR.
- The Research Committee of ASNR, or its designate, will provide review and recommendations to the Foundation for the recipient of the grant.
- The Grant Program Review Scoring Scale can be found at the end of this prospectus or by clicking here.
- Applications from senior and junior scientists will not be reviewed separately, but special consideration will be given to applicants who are within 5 years of completing their post-graduate training.
- The deadline for receipt of submissions is 9:00 AM Central Standard Time (CST), Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Full proposals should also be submitted via
Please visit to submit your application by creating an account and logging-on to select the grant for which you would like to apply. - Selection of grant recipients will be in early spring, with subsequent notification of the recipient and institution. All those with interests in the award, or employees of an institution that may be involved in the award, shall recuse themselves from voting on such applications. If applications are received from the institutions of the Research Committee Co-chairs, the Co-chair(s) will recuse themselves the responsibility of coordinating review of the applications from their home institution.
- In May 2025, the Foundation Research Grants announcement will be made via E-News and posted on the ASNR and Foundation of the ASNR websites. The recipient will present their research at the ASNR 64th Annual Meeting & The Foundation of the ASNR Symposium in May 2026 and receive an invitation to the President’s Gala for that meeting.