Trainee Research Grant in Neuroradiology
$5,000 for each grant
4 grants total awarded
The goal in offering multiple Trainee Research Grants in Neuroradiology is to increase trainee engagement by encouraging many applications and building a substantial pipeline of future academic investigators. Multiple grants spread resources more broadly across institutions and increase diversity, including the option for investigators to engage with mentors from institutions other than their own. These grants are intended to supplement departmental support from applicant institutions and could be used for biostatistics, software, cloud computing services, physical lab support, as well as other related needs

This grant cycle is currently closed. Check back soon for additional details.
- A candidate must be a member of ASNR and have completed a residency in Diagnostic Radiology and/or be enrolled in or have completed an ACGME-approved fellowship in neuroradiology by the Grant period.
- Senior residents who are enrolled in a dedicated 12-month neuroradiology training year may also apply.
- International candidates can apply and should describe how their training is equivalent to what is described above.
- Grant period is January 1 through June 30.
- Grant period must be active during neuroradiology training year.
- A senior ASNR member must serve as the mentor taking responsibility for guiding the research, executing the budget, compliance with regulations, and completion of the proposed work.
- The application must include applicant’s and mentor’s up to date NIH biographical sketch, two -page description of the proposed research focused in neuroradiology (hypothesis, methods, expected results, significance), budget details and budget justification explaining how the funding will be used, career goals statement describing how the Grant will benefit the applicant’s career in neuroradiology, letters of support from the Chairman or Program Director and mentor.
- Results are encouraged for abstract submission to the ASNR annual meeting upon completion of work.
- Publications and abstract presentations should acknowledge the contribution of the Foundation of the ASNR in supporting this research.
- The research proposal must have a clearly stated, testable hypothesis and well-developed specific aims.
- An itemized budget is required as part of the grant proposal submission. Funds (up to $5,000) may be apportioned as required by the investigator but must be justified in the application. Examples of fund use include:
- salary support for associated staff (e.g. research assistants, clinical coordinator, statistical support, and/or PhD collaborators),
- appropriate scanner time access,
- processing software and other types of software, and combinations of the above, and
- costs related to attending conference, workshop courses or training courses (e.g. computer programming course, specialized image analysis course, or any other workshops). Salary support for the trainee, mentor or collaborators and indirect costs cannot be included. Only direct costs can be included.
The parent institution must demonstrate adequate resources and facilities to conduct the terms of the project. Specific involvement by experts outside of Radiology or outside the medical school will be viewed favorably. A letter of support from the Department Chairman or Program Director is required stating adequate support of the trainee to complete the proposed work.
- The total grant amount is up to $5,000 (direct costs only) for a six-month term, which will be paid in one installment at the commencement of the grant period. Any portion of the grant not utilized should be returned to The Foundation of the ASNR. The proposed allocation of grant resources (salary support and other research costs) should be specified in a detailed line-item budget submitted with the full proposal.
- The funding will go directly to the Institution or Department of Radiology as direct costs only. No overhead or indirect costs are provided.
- On June 30, 2024, a final progress report must be submitted in writing via io This report is not to exceed one-page. The progress report should summarize the specific aims and the progress achieved, explain any significant changes to the specific aims, new directions to be undertaken due to those changes, and expenditures to date. Any publications, patents, or other material related to the funded research should be included on a separate page with an additional summary if a publication, patent, or grant is being or will be prepared using the results obtained from this Foundation grant. An additional page should be submitted separately describing the clinical impact of the results of the research, the strengths and weakness of the Foundation grant program, and the role that the Foundation or ASNR had, has, or might have in their future career. In addition, a Return-on-Investment survey will be sent to Grantees 3 and 5 years after receiving a grant.
- The American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) welcomes the best science and encourages publication submissions to AJNR before considering other journals.
- Applicants who have held any of the Foundation of the ASNR Research Grants, the RSNA Research Scholar, Research Fellow, or Research Seed Grant Award, GERRAF, or ARRS Grant Award in the past must declare their previous awards on the application. The applicant is considered ineligible if they are or will concurrently be holding any of previously mentioned grants, while applying to or holding a grant from the Foundation of the ASNR.
- Applicants who have held any trainee grant from any foundation in the past must declare their previous awards on the application. The applicant is considered ineligible if they are or will concurrently be holding any of previously mentioned grants, while applying to or holding a grant from the Foundation of the ASNR.
- Note: while institutional IRB approval is not required at time of grant proposal submission, IRB approval must be submitted to ASNR for all grant recipients.
- No grant will be made without prior confirmation from the Program Director or Department Chair that the applicant’s proposal will be supported in full by the host institution. Such documentation will be requested by the ASNR office after proposal review.
- The grant is not transferable to another individual.
- Grants will be designated and administered by The Foundation of the ASNR.
- The Research Committee of ASNR, or its designate, will provide review and recommendations to the Foundation for the recipient of the grant.
- The Trainee Grant Review Scoring Scale can be found here.
The deadline for receipt of submissions is 9:00 AM Central Standard Time (CST), Monday, September 11, 2023. Applications should be submitted via
Selection of grant recipients will be in October, with subsequent notification of the recipients and institutions in November. All those with interests in the grant, or employees of an institution that may be involved in the grant, shall recuse themselves from voting on such applications. If applications are received from the institutions of the Research Committee Co-chair(s), the Co-chair(s) will recuse themselves of coordinating review of the applications from their home institution.
In November 2023, the Foundation Trainee Research Grants announcement will be made on the Foundation of the ASNR website and via E-News to ASNR membership. The recipient will receive an invitation to the President’s Reception during the ASNR 62nd Annual Meeting & The Foundation of the ASNR Symposium May 18-22, 2024.